About me
Whilst ski instructing in Scandinavia I noticed how many people suffered from aches, pains and bad backs.I soon became interested in treatments for these ailments.
I learnt from my research that Naprapathy was one of the most effective treatments, and preferred this to the slightly different techniques and philosophy used by many Chiropractors and Physiotherapists.
I became a fully qualified Doctor of Naprapathy after completing a five year course at the Scandinavian College of Naprapathic Manual Medicine in Stockholm.
After qualifying I worked for gyms and clinics in Sweden offering Naprapathic therapies, sport massage and Swedish massage. In 2007 I set up my own Naprapath clinic before relocating to London where I have been treating clients for the last 7 years.
I'm sure Naprapathy will soon be as popular here as it is Sweden where over one third of the population has received Naprapathic treatment.
I am fully licensed to practise by the Swedish National Board of Health & Welfare.
I am a member of the Swedish Naprapath Association